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LG Arena in Titan Black color will exclusively offer by T-Mobile  

As the actual market release of the LG Arena gets closer, it seems to be making the headlines all over. This time it's about an extra sexy color scheme that we would die to get our hands on - the Titan Black version of the LG KM900 Arena looks that much classier.

T-Mobile seem to be targeting the LG KM900 Arena to the music-savvy customers and they make a big point out of the Dolby for Mobile music enhancement, the 3.5mm audio jack and the FM transmitter.

Thus it's no surprise that their mobile music download service called Mobile Jukebox will be available straight on the Arena's 3-inch high-res display.

As far as we are concerned, the wow-factor of the LG Arena is mostly about its spanking new interface called the S-class. It offers fluid response, excellent visuals and it has the potential to be the next best thing in feature touch phones.

Of course, the LG Arena is also a great all-rounder, which doesn't make compromises in any aspect - connectivity, location services, multimedia entertainment and imaging are all duly covered in a package smaller than the iPhone 3G.

The LG KM900 Arena will hit T-Mobile UK stores before the end of March, which sounds as any moment now. And here is the rest of it.



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