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Book List of Steve Martini  

Steve Martini was born in San Francisco and grew up in the Bay area and Southern California. He was an honors graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz, and sought his first career in journalism; he worked as a newspaper reporter in Los Angeles and as a correspondent at the state capitol in Sacramento, specializing in legal affairs. In 1974, after receiving a law degree from the University of the Pacific's McGeorge School of Law, Martini entered private practice in California, where he appeared in both state and federal courts. During his legal career he was a legislative representative for the state bar, a special counsel to the California Victims of Violent Crimes Program, and an administrative law judge and supervising hearing officer.
In 1984, Martini turned his talents to fiction. He makes his home with his family in the Pacific Northwest.


* Century of Great Suspense Stories, a (2001)


* Simeon Chamber, the (1988)
* Compelling Evidence (1992)
* Prime Witness (1993)
* Undue Influence (1994)
* Judge, the (1995)
* List, the (1997)
* Critical Mass (1998)
* Attorney, the (2001)
* Jury, the (2001)
* Arraignment, the (2003)
* Double Tap (2005)
* Shadow of Power (2008)
* Rule of Nine, the (2010)



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